The Get Well With Adele, September 2023
A monthly wellbeing roundup of all things supportive to the healing journey. September's newsletter includes a tarot spread, movement practice for change, and a playlist for financial abundance. ✨
My favorite time of year is when we move from the slow melancholy of “August slipped away into a moment in time…” to the funky boogie energy of “Do you remember the 21st night of September?”
I’ve said it before, I have never been much of a fall girlie, but wow, am I ever looking forward to cooler temps, oversized sweaters paired with leggings like it’s 2013, and hot lattes. If I’m being perfectly honest, I was drinking hot lattes in 90-degree temps, but it’s more enjoyable when you can’t tell if you’re sweating from the steamed milk or the humidity outside or a somehow cruel combination of both.
Even though I am not taking the window AC units out any time soon, I have already started to pull fall colors in my living room. I am eager for what this month will bring: more ideas coming to fruition, new beginnings, lots of self-reflection, and a call for balance as we move into the future.
I know we are already a few days into the new month, but I hope you find this email supportive in some way!
This month I am including a tarot spread because I am actively trying to learn tarot and I felt that the cards I pulled for this month were REALLY good for the month of September! I’ve also included a movement practice for change and a bad b*tch playlist for financial abundance because even though my 21-Day Challenges are all wrapped up, I’m still all about abundance and all that comes with it.
Always here to help you in whatever way you need. I love you much. Let’s get well!
Love, Adele
Be patient with me, I don’t know how to embed a playlist on Substack so I had to upload this slide show as a video. Feel free to skip through it, but I loved everything I pulled this month!
September is already a month symbolizing a clean slate. These pulls could not fit more accordingly with the theme of this month. September always feels like the beginning of an end, summer is basically over, kids are going back to school, and people are trying to hit their end-of-year business goals — and although it seems like the year is over, there are still over 110 days left in 2023. You. Still. Have. Time.
Everything you wanted to create this year but couldn’t get to — you still have time to create it!
That trip you just never got around to booking — you still have time to book it!
That financial goal you haven’t hit — there’s still time to refine it and hit it!
Let this month be the month that you make a plan to get it done before the end of the year. Each morning brings a gift of opportunity and growth, open that gift and put it to use! Let go of fear right now and dive into the possibilities of what you can accomplish. September is going to do its thing regardless, so be ready for all that’s headed your way and get comfy in what might feel uncomfortable.
We love Yoga With Adriene over here at Settling Inn. A free practice that you can do in your own space? Yes!!
Crafted with heart and hip openers as well as lymphatic movement, this practice is to help with the inevitable changes that are happening this month. If that tarot spread for September started to move some things around for you, you might be feeling it manifesting in your body.
You know how seriously I take the topic of abundance over here. The other week I sat down with my finances and mapped out every dime through the end of the year. This is something that would have TERRIFIED me in the past, but it was a task I very much looked forward to. Having a plan to pay off some debts that had been previously weighing on me feels empowering to me. I have had some other payments pop up unexpectedly and it felt so good to be able to say, “Ok, I’ll get it covered."
Listen to this playlist and let all that good shit come to you, baby. You deserve it!