It’s About Abundance, Bby!
What is abundance? And how does having a scarcity mindset effect our relationship with money? Plus, a 21-Day Challenge group offering!
This is for you if you are:
Thinking about adding new services but worried about creating a higher cost.
Not asking for that raise you GENUINELY deserve.
Afraid to look at your bank account after you paid some hefty bills.
Unsure about what to do when the Student Loan payment pause ends in September.
Having issues with money in general.
Look, I get it. Money is a sensitive subject.
The problem is, many of us have been conditioned into a scarcity mindset, where we believe that there is not enough money to go around and that we must make do with what we have and take only what we are offered, and that is simply not true.
Abundance means “an ample quantity,” or simply put, “plenty.”
To me, abundance means, “much” or “many.”
It’s having a lot of it. All of it. Whatever “it” is.
As my girl Carleena put it, “Abundance is a way of being, which means you live a life focused on the plethora of bounty that is around you at all times, rather than what is missing.”
It’s choosing to see the whole picture instead of one tiny detail.
Sznly speaking…
July is a season of abundance. Did you know that? The full moon that happened earlier in the month was a symbol of abundance for many reasons - one being it signified when male deer began to grow antlers, a symbol of strength and vitality. Another reason is that it is when farmers start harvesting their hay crops to store for winter’s abundant harvest.
But it’s also a season of stormy weather, which certain Indigenous cultures believed helped purge and cleanse the earth of negative energies, creating the space for new beginnings.
Abundance grows here now and it’s time to manifest it.
Financial Trauma And Having A Scarcity Mindset
I want to talk about money right now.
For as long as I’ve known about money, I have always feared it.
Growing up, we never had enough of it.
I remember one time, we were getting ready to head to work and school, and we walked out to the driveway and our car was gone. It had gotten taken away because my mom was behind on her payments. I remember my mom buying a house and selling it a few short years later because she “couldn’t keep up with it” and it was “easier to rent.” She didn’t mean financially, she just meant the upkeep. She didn’t have the bandwidth to keep up with the maintenance, and I was too young to understand or really help out.
I remember my mom consolidating her debt and dipping into her 401(k) a few times to do so.
And boy does history repeat itself. In 2016, I got my car repossessed because I was very behind on payments; In 2019 I bought a house and I sold it in 2021, not because it was easier to rent, but because I couldn’t keep up with the maintenance and didn’t know the first thing about anything I was doing, and I dipped into my 401(k) and then some.
I received everything from my mom when she passed away – including but not limited to, her life insurance and pension, her debt, her car that was at the end of its life, and of course, her money trauma.
But in all fairness, her money trauma was woven into the fabric of her DNA, hence it was woven so seamlessly into mine.
I paid off what I could of my mom’s and then I began to spend money like I’d never spent before. Because I’ve never had money to spend, I bought a car, paid down most of my loans, paid off my credit card debt (a few times), bought experiences that had never even presented themselves to me before, took care of my own health and my dogs, cared for others even when I probably shouldn’t have and supplemented my income when my previous job couldn’t support me in the way that after 5 years, I felt I deserved.
So I went through it pretty quickly.
And when I did, my financial advisor instilled the fear of God in me that I will never have money again.
I already had deep-rooted money trauma and his disappointment in losing the account only made me believe that money was truly scarce.
A scarcity mindset is this belief that resources are limited. And when you live in a scarcity mindset, your thoughts about scarcity dictate your behavior. It determines what we think about and how we act.
For instance, when we have a scarcity mindset around money, we create a negative focus around it; we can’t spend it, we have to work harder for it, we will never have it like someone else, etc., etc.
But let me tell you something this tunnel vision around money simply isn’t the reality of it.
Abraham-Hicks, an inspirational speaker in manifestation (among other things), says in one of her law-of-attraction workshops you may have heard floating around TikTok, “There’s plenty of money. Nothing has gone wrong.”
That’s the truth of it, folks.
There’s plenty of money out there.
You know money is out there. You see others as living proof every day. Celebrities breaking box offices and becoming billionaires, social media influencers getting paid to go to Dubai, LinkedIn connections getting promotions or new jobs with bigger salaries, people traveling to Italy for like 3 freaking weeks – it’s all out there happening right before our very eyes.
And if you see that it is out there for someone else, why NOT you?
Why Not You?
If you have experienced great financial trauma and a scarcity mindset, then let me be the first to admit, the path to an abundance mindset is not easy. In fact, it can get pretty uncomfortable.
It involves making peace with your debts and your current financial situation, forgiving your family members for passing that trauma down onto you and overcoming limiting beliefs to help you ASK for what you want.
I have spent months getting to where I’m at today in having an abundance mindset. I had to first heal my relationship with money, including signing up for a debt relief program to help me rebuild the damage I created by having a poor relationship with money.
I have had to push around payment due dates and ask for extensions. I’ve had to say “no” to some things because of timing, but it’s REALLY okay.
I’m actually finally in a place where I’m not sweating every day over cash. It’s all out there.
It flows in, it flows out.
I had to first believe in my financial abundance and prosperity so that I could start to see abundance in other areas of my life. I feel rich in so many ways now because I know money is always coming to me when I ask to receive it.
Some of the ways you can go about healing your money trauma and creating an abundance mindset is by:
Talk about money. With friends, with family. Talk about it. If you’re struggling financially, it’s best to throw ego aside and talk about it with people. I made a public post about money and asked for help from a few of my friends and two days later, I got a job offer making more money than I’ve ever made.
Make peace with your funds. Write out all of your debts and expenses - credit cards, monthly bills, outstanding Venmo’s, salon appointments, going out to eat, etc. Write them out in a place where you can regularly look back to them. And review your bank account every day. Even the days when it’s hard, pull up your account and just see the money that is coming in and out.
Create time to meditate. Ever hear people talking about low frequency vs high frequency? It’s hard to be a magnet to abundance when you are operating at a low-frequency. Meditation helps raise your frequency so that you can attract what you want.
Express gratitude. Expressing your gratitude for all that you have in life not only makes you feel more abundant, but it also lets the universe know that you are already abundant and grateful for what you have. Appreciating what you have also raises your vibration and shows you are ready to receive.
Spend time with like-minded people. When you are entering an abundance mindset, it can be difficult to relate to those who are not. I mean this in the most loving way, but once I started entering an abundance mindset, I found I couldn’t be around people who were still living in a scarcity mindset. I just simply didn’t want to be pulled away from the realm of infinite possibilities. Find like-minded people with abundance mindsets and find ways to lift each other up.
Abundance Challenge
I am currently wrapping up a 21-Day Abundance Challenge and it has definitely helped me with the aforementioned steps. I have challenged myself to participate daily in meditating, journaling, and then following up with my group. And I have seen the power of abundance in a group setting.
So with that said, I’d like to announce my own 21-Day Abundance Challenge starting August 7th.
What we gone do?
For 21 days, I will send out a daily email with meditations, prompts, and group activities to help you on your abundance mindset journey. We will meet with our community on Telegram, a group-chat app. It will be powerful and it may even be life-changing for many.
It is completely free.
Sign up here and I will add you to the Telegram chat (you will need to download the app if you haven’t).
Looking forward to going on this journey together!