Becoming a Superattractor: 6 Powerful Ways to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams
Manifesting, where the power of belief meets the magic of possibility.
The term “manifesting” is not just a trendy term for magically getting what we want. It is the practice of bringing something into your life by believing you can.
Before my spiritual awakening and tapping into the law of attraction myself, I was whole-heartedly under the impression that manifesting was just “woo woo” witchcraft. I literally thought manifesting involved potions and spells.
It wasn’t until I looked back at everything I had manifested for myself in the past few years that I learned it was a practice I had been doing for most of my life.
When I was little, I wanted so badly to be a performer.
The problem was that I had terrible stage fright. I was highly timid as a young girl and even though I KNEW I could sing and act, I had this wild irrational fear of performing in front of other people.
So I would just continue to sing in my house when no one was home and would go to shows and watch other people do what I knew I could do well.
With every failed audition, every rejection, every very small ensemble role, I would tell myself “It is not my time.”
I didn’t let it kill my spirit. Even though I could hardly sing at my auditions because the lump of fear in my throat was so big, I was grateful to have had the courage to show up for myself.
In 7th grade, I saw Les Miserables at the school I desperately wanted to go to for high school. Just the year before, the director had turned me down for a role in the summer show because I couldn’t find the right key during my audition and honestly just croaked the entire 16 measures. Most of the cast were people who saw me tank the open-room audition.
Even though I had felt embarrassed around those people before, and even though I never had so much as a speaking role in any show, I remember telling my friends, “I’m going to perform up there, with them, someday.”
And that’s when it all shifted.
With the image of that stage in mind, I started to hone in on my talent.
I came out of my shell. I knew that to break my fear of singing in front of people I had to sing in front of other people. So I started singing in front of my mom and my friends.
And then I started singing at my grade school. I remember my music teacher being like, “Have you always been able to sing like this?”
I started getting choir solos.
I got my first lead role in a show at a local school - the Witch in Into the Woods Jr.! People would compliment me on my acting and on my voice, shocked that an 8th grader had pipes like that. I finally had my moment and I was not giving that up.
I got over my stage fright.
And then, with no formal training and one lead role under my belt, I auditioned for another summer show with that same director and most of the same faces from the audition I had tanked the previous summer… and I belted my freaking face off.
The director, who previously turned me down, had to physically close his jaw because it dropped open while I was performing.
I got in the summer show, and then with that director’s blessing, I was able to go to that high school with a theatre scholarship.
That stage I knew I was destined to be on was the home of some of my favorite memories and most iconic roles. It catapulted me into lead roles in local theatres and solos at my college where I performed next to people who are touring in Broadway shows right now. It even won me a local award in 2014
I still have that confidence that if I decide to perform again, I know it’s all waiting for me.
I was a superattractor at an early age without even realizing it. I manifested being on that stage. I asked for it, and in collaboration with the Universe, I received it and more. Everything I have ever truly wanted up to this point, I have received in one way or another.
At the beginning of 2023, I didn’t have a job. I had no income. I didn’t have a partner. I came into this year with nothing but sheer faith in the Universe that I would get a flexible job that I enjoyed with great pay and that I would find a genuine life partner.
As it currently stands, I have a great full-time contract gig with a company I adore, I am working with a business mindset coach to launch my dream coaching business, and I not only found a partner, but I found a best friend in him, too - a real 2-for-1 special.
It all happened because I said I wanted it and was ready for it. And then I believed it all to be possible for me.
The Universe already knows what you want. The life you want already exists for you. You just have to shift your mindset and your energy to be open to receiving that reality.
The key to getting what you want and having it all is knowing that you already do.
How to Become a Super-Attractor and Manifest The Life Of Your Dreams
If the younger version of myself could manifest her dreams of becoming a performer and enjoy years of happiness in the spotlight, then you have the power to manifest your desires as well. Becoming a Superattractor entails strengthening your capacity to bring your dreams into reality. Below, you'll find established methods to attract whatever it is you wish to manifest in your life.
Get very clear about what you want.
It’s not enough to say, “I want to be an actress.” The Universe is like, “Oh yeah? That’s nice, dear.” It already knows what you want. Remember, the reality you want already exists for you. Get specific. When I was in 7th grade, I said I wanted to be an actress on that specific stage performing with those specific people. I envisioned it, I felt it, I got it.
Feel like it’s already yours.
Some people might call you delusional, but as the kids say, “Being delulu is the solulu.” It has some legs when you think about it. 🤔 When I desired to be an actress on that stage, I would rehearse my audition songs as if I were performing there. I could literally feel the excitement of opening night and being on the stage. Your body holds onto those feelings and almost reprograms itself to chase them down again.
Don’t question when it’s going to happen.
This is the hardest part. When we are EXCITED about something and when we want it to happen for us, we tend to jump quickly into impatience. This impatience is a “lack” mindset instead of one of gratitude and abundance. When you spend every day wondering when something is going to happen, you are openly admitting that you are lacking the thing you want. This BLOCKS your manifestation from happening. When I wanted to be a performer but wasn’t getting cast anywhere, I told myself it wasn’t my time, but I never questioned when it would be. I just kept telling myself it was meant to happen for me exactly when it was meant to, and not a minute sooner.
Take inspired action.
If you want something to happen, start making moves! People forget that you co-create your reality with the Universe. When I said, “I want to be a performer on that stage,” I began taking my craft of singing more seriously. I got a better feel for my vocal range. I dedicated intentional time to practicing songs that fit my range. I connected with other theatre people and picked their brains about auditions. I showed up every day as if that dream was already my reality.
Work through any limiting beliefs you might have.
Any negative stories you might be telling yourself about why can’t or shouldn’t, reframe them to be about why you can and should. The limiting beliefs tell the Universe that you’re not ready to receive your manifestation. You must work through fear to get what you want. Something that has always worked for me is seeing others as evidence of what can be done. When I was suffering from singing in front of others, I would see other people up on stage performing and it repeatedly reminded me that they can do it - so I can do it, too. I would tell myself that I was actually a great performer and that I deserved my time on stage, too.
Let it happen.
When you start to energetically align yourself with your manifestation - being clear on what you want, believing that it will happen, and letting go of limiting beliefs and timelines - your world will start to shift in other areas. You might find yourself outgrowing old relationships with people who don’t want that success for you. You might also begin to feel that old patterns and behaviors no longer “fit” the way they did before. These are positive signs from the Universe, letting you know it's working in favor of giving you what you desire.
When I broke out of my shell, feeling self-conscious about my singing voice no longer worked for me. I could only feel confident about it. I lost friendships with people who didn’t like that I was getting good roles and making new friends in the theatre community. It made me realize that clinging to what they wanted for me didn’t serve me and my goal of being a performer.
I had to give my manifestation permission to work in my best interest, especially if it meant getting rid of toxicity and doubt.
With this mindset, I have been able to (and continue to!) co-create and attract the life of my dreams.
Are you ready to take the first step toward manifesting the life of your dreams? The power is in your hands. I’d love to hear your own manifesting stories in the comments below - your experiences inspire others on their journey.
I am opening up space for Superattractor Discovery Calls. In 30 minutes, we will uncover what it is you’d like to manifest for yourself, dismantle any limiting beliefs, take inspired action, and end the session with an Oracle and Affirmation card pull. Click to reserve your spot.
Your dream life awaits, and it's time to make it a reality.