A delay is not a denial; a look into divine timing
What is divine timing and how to surrender, or allow, ourselves to it, especially when we feel hopeless.
“God’s delay is not His denial.”
This was a comment I recently saw on someone’s IG video. At first, I thought it was a bible verse and I did not want to misquote it; but it is not, so I wanted to rewrite it instead to reflect divine timing so that way anyone could encompass a greater group of people.
No matter what your faith is, there is a spiritual concept that has been around for centuries and crosses over various faiths and beliefs. It’s called “divine timing.”
Divine timing is this idea, this concept that suggests everything in life happens exactly when it is meant to, whether or not we know the reason why.
I wanted to dedicate this specific post to anyone who is struggling to find the why in their timeline; anyone who is questioning their worth because things aren’t moving for them how they once pictured; anyone who has recently asked, “Why isn’t this happening for ME?”
I know this isn’t the message you want to hear because I am not offering a solution or a reason for why things aren’t going the way you’d like them to, but I do hope you see this as an encouragement to keep going.
Ego and Divine Timing
A delay in timing does not mean it’s not going to happen to you. What is meant for you will happen exactly when and how it is supposed to. Everything is unfolding exactly how it’s supposed to - the good, the bad, the ugly, the days filled with worry and grief - are all unfolding exactly how they are meant to, and the things we desire most don’t always happen for us when we’d like them to.
We all have an ego. Our ego essentially helps us make sense of the world around us. It is very impacted by our experiences and environment. Our ego is part of our humanness, but because it is not aware of divine timing, it can lead us to feel frustrated. It feeds on our desires and holds onto them. The super-ego is a larger piece of this that tells the ego that we should not only feel frustrated with the timeline of our lives but blame the delay on ourselves. Instead of letting us feel assured that what we want is in the works, ego forces us to think we have done something wrong or were designed to fail.
But what would happen if you allowed yourself to trust divine timing?
What would happen if you stopped blaming your beautiful body? If you stopped being envious of your neighbor? If you stopped trying to race the clock? What would happen if you just put your manifestation into the universe’s hands and moved on with your life, knowing it had your back?
Let Divine Timing Do Its Thing
Let it do its thing.
If you are wanting something so hard and you are getting hit with roadblocks, it might be that you need to focus your sights on something else right now.
I always love to share this story about one of my family members. They struggled to conceive for a very long time, facing miscarriages and losing hope. It was taking a toll on their relationships, their lives, and their faith. They finally lost hope that they could have a child for themselves and began the adoption process.
And guess what?
The adoption fell through.
They were devastated, but they decided that the obvious roadblocks meant that it just wasn’t their time. They went back to square one - refocusing on their passions and building a life together, strengthening their family bonds, and making themselves their priority.
They got pregnant sometime later and delivered a beautiful baby girl. Followed by a beautiful baby boy a few years later. And adopted one more beautiful boy a few years later. Their children are talented, kind, and extremely intelligent, and most importantly, grew up surrounded by so much love and gratitude from their parents.
A delay is NOT a denial.
Let divine timing do its thing. Focus on the things that light you up. You will know immediately when things start flowing that the roadblocks are being removed. You may even start to see new opportunities arise that you didn’t notice before because all of your sights were on that other thing.
For example, I spent the tail end of last year into early this year being so overwhelmed by money. And I had signed up to dogsit on Rover last summer and really didn’t get any leads. I was so extremely anxious and not feeling financially secure and I couldn’t even make money dogsitting because no one was hiring me. I started my job in February and all of a sudden, more dogsitting opportunities opened up for me. Actually, so many that I had to mark myself as unavailable from July-August because I booked myself up for 2.5 months straight and didn’t want to spend my entire summer dogsitting. The universe said, “Ok you finally have some financial security in your life, here are more opportunities to make expendable income.”
I needed to feel secure and have a regular cash flow so that I could find other areas to make additional money.
This new flow of abundance serves as my reminder that the universe is really looking out for me and my well-being.
You will also find that when you allow the universe to do its thing, you don’t attach yourself to the outcomes as much because you know what’s meant for you will happen how it’s supposed to. Believe it or not, you are not solely responsible for the timing of your life, the universe plays a huge part in it, too.
So cut yourself some slack, my love. Trust in the timing of the universe.