The Get Well With Adele: January 2024
a monthly roundup of soul-support, this one includes holistic tips for getting rest in the winter & journal prompts for mindful productivity, plus an invitation to a masterclass. 💗
I published my last Get Well With Adele through a different platform and it didn’t feel right. I love the energy Substack brings. I never thought I’d be so in love with a platform before, but here we are.
With that said, I am constantly looking for ways to improve and make things more legible and user-friendly so please bear with me as I make adjustments throughout the year.
One thing many of you have told me is that you look forward to this monthly roundup, so I want to make sure it’s giving you all the juicy goodness you deserve. Always feel free to leave comments or send me messages with what’s vibing with you and what’s not. I’m here to support YOU because you’re supporting me just by bringing your presence to my little corner of the internet.
In January’s Get Well, you can expect:
~ some holistic tips on getting much-needed rest,
~ a few journal prompts for mindful productivity,
~ a restful playlist,
~ and an invitation to a new masterclass
Holistic Tips for Getting More Rest in the New Year
If you are trying to “new year, new you” yourself into some motivation but it’s four days into the new year and it’s a literal struggle to get out of bed, you are not alone. I am you and you are me. We are one, sister. But what we’re not going to do is beat ourselves up over needing this month to rest.
It wasn’t until the Julien calendar that January 1st was deemed “the beginning of the year.” The Astrological calendar, which was used to define the sowing and reaping of crops as early as 3000 BC, defines the beginning of the year when the Spring Equinox starts on March 21st.
There’s a reason why it’s SO hard to stay productive during these colder months and it’s because we really aren’t designed to.
So don’t give yourself such hefty goals at the start of the year! Give yourself some grace! Get back in bed with a cup of hot tea and just marinate in the juiciness of comfort and warmth.
Other holistic tips to keep you feeling well-rested and balanced at the beginning of this year include:
Take more intentional breaks from your phone & put it far away from you at bedtime. I might even suggest putting it in another room completely. Checking your phone immediately before bed can interfere with melatonin production, and checking your phone immediately upon waking up can also trigger your stress response - and who wants that before they’ve even had their morning coffee?
Slow down on that alcohol intake. There’s a reason why people practice dry January, and it’s not just because the holidays call for overconsumption. It plays a major effect on your immune system and your nervous system, so in a time where it’s dark and cold and you’re inside a lot, excessive drinking can contribute to lots of uncomfortable inflammation in your body. Plus, alcohol-induced sleep is never as solid as REAL sleep.
Practice a regular bedtime and take short naps. I’ve never been much of a napper, but I’ve been in complete sleep debt since moving - I didn’t realize how poorly I slept for a year in my old place and I’m playing catch up - I’ve been taking more 20-minute naps than ever. If you work from home and are able, grab a 20-minute nap in the early afternoon just after lunch.
Take a warm bath. This doesn’t have to be right before bed, but taking a bath at some point during the evening is going to bring your body temperature up, and trigger melatonin production to let your body know it’s soon time for bed. Plus, it’s just such a simple but effective way to unwind.
Add meditation and light exercise into your routine. Now’s a great time to introduce meditation and exercise THAT YOU ENJOY into your routine. It’s suggested that you exercise for at least 20 minutes during the day to help your body figure out what to do with any stored energy. I’m not saying get in a sweaty, gruesome P90X workout, I’m saying take a 20-minute walk, do 20 minutes of yoga, or spend 20 minutes cleaning your house. All of this simple energy exertion will make your body MUCH more prepared for a great night of rest.
More Rest, More Mindful Productivity
A restful playlist for your stress-relieving pleasure
For winding down in the bathtub, reading a book in bed, journaling, etc. These binaural beats relieve stress and create neural pathways of peace.
Meet Your Higher Self & Create Goals For Who You Are Becoming
I wanted to extend an invite to my New Year, Best You masterclass on January 18th.
When creating goals for this year, I want you to focus less on “WHAT” you want to do, but rather “WHO” you want to become. I originally planned for this class in December but it felt SO right to offer it in January because I know in December we all needed that rest.
I want to welcome you to meet a higher version of yourself in this class and walk away with attainable resolutions that help you in your journey of becoming who you are meant to become in this lifetime.
The class portion will highlight resolutions and a little bit about what I discussed above, about the calendars and the need for rest in January and February, and then we will slide into a higher level of consciousness to meet our Higher Selves through a guided visualization, followed by some journaling and sharing.
It is completely free to attend so I hope to see you then.
As always, thanks for being on this journey with me.
Cheers to getting well together,